
Kyoto shrine opens plum garden to public

A Shinto shrine in Japan's ancient city of Kyoto has opened its plum garden so the public can enjoy seeing spring flowers.

Many people visited Kitano Tenmangu on Friday to look at red and white "ume" flowers on about 1,500 trees that were thinly covered with snow.

The shrine honors the 9th-century scholar Sugawara no Michizane, a patron of learning who is said to have cherished plum flowers.

A woman in her 70s said the flowers and the snow created a beautiful scene. She also said looking at pretty flowers makes her feel much younger.

The Kitano Tenmangu shrine says about 50 percent of the plum flowers are blooming at present.

They will be in full bloom between late February and mid-March. The garden will be open until late next month.
Sat, 12 Feb 2011 02:52:00 +0900(JS

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