
Millions of eligible households not paid welfare

A survey by Japan's health ministry indicates that millions of low-income households may be living without welfare, although they are eligible for it.

The ministry released results of the survey of about 23,000 households on Friday.

Based on the results, nearly 2.3 million households are estimated to have after-tax income and savings below the threshold for welfare recipients.

Whether these people own houses or have other assets is unknown. But if none of them are receiving benefits despite meeting the criteria, this would mean that only 32 percent of eligible households are receiving welfare.

About 45 percent of the 2.3 million are single-person households. 42 percent of them are elderly.

23 percent of the total are families with children, and 4 out of 10 are single-mother households.

The health ministry says it will ask local governments to properly apply the criteria so eligible people can receive benefits

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