
Limitation of work

From this week, our company gave us working time listriction. Our salary definitely decrease, but no choice. I hope we can beat the virus by litmiting contact.


Monju reactor inspected by nuclear authority

Officials from Japan's nuclear watchdog are conducting an onsite investigation into the Monju nuclear reactor. They are checking up on unreliable safety reports from the operator. The government intended the Monju prototype fast-breeder reactor to form a part of Japan's nuclear-fuel recycling system. But the reactor suffered a series of problems, including a leakage of its coolant, sodium, in 1995. Eight Nuclear Regulation Authority officials visited the facility on Thursday to go through documents and interview personnel. Monju lies in Fukui Prefecture on the coast of the Sea of Japan. The investigation comes after the officials found some inspection lapses on key safety equipment in the past month. They had pointed out as many as 9,800 irregularities in the reactor's management, including missed checkups. Investigator Yasushi Morishita said on Thursday that the operator's report failed to clearly state who did what. He said that it's a very serious matter that the Watchdog has to conduct an onsite investigation. The Monju reactor is currently offline. But the operator is maintaining basic functions in case it is allowed back online in the future.


Nuclear test draws public criticism

Atomic-bomb survivors in Nagasaki have protested against North Korea's nuclear test, saying nothing justifies the denial of global efforts to abolish nuclear arms and achieve peace. Five groups in the city issued a joint statement at a news conference on Tuesday. One of the groups' leaders said it is insanity to conduct a nuclear test. He said the atomic-bomb survivors will continue sending the message to the world that it is wrong to conduct nuclear tests and to possess nuclear weapons. Another leader called for North Korea and other countries to hold peaceful talks, saying that threats solve nothing. Criticism is also coming from South Korea. A young man there called the test an unethical act, adding that South Korea should enact sanctions against the North. Another man said the North may have been trying to threaten the South during a change of power, as President-elect Park Geun-hye is scheduled to be sworn in later this month. A group of retired soldiers held a rally in Seoul. The participants chanted a slogan criticizing the North's leadership, and burned the North Korean flag. But there are also deep-rooted concerns about the test's impact on bilateral relations. A woman called for a continued inter-Korean dialogue.


Japan's rare Miyako pony breed gives birth to foal

A farmer on Miyako Island is celebrating the birth of a foal, which is one of the most endangered horse breeds native to Japan. This rare breed of pony is native to Miyako Island in Okinawa Prefecture. Akihiro Nikadori owns a farm in Miyakojima City. On Saturday morning he found a newly-born female foal beside his 10-year-old mare, Mirei. The foal instinctively snuggled up against her mother and began suckling. Miyako horses were traditionally used for agriculture. However, their numbers continued to decline as farming became more mechanized. The breed is believed to have the smallest population among horses indigenous to Japan. It has been designated by Okinawa Prefecture as a natural treasure. With this latest birth, the number of Miyako ponies now stands at 35


30% of Japanese live on land vulnerable to shaking

New research shows almost one-third of the Japanese population lives on land that is vulnerable to shaking in the event of an earthquake. A study group from the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention made the analysis. The researchers found that areas that are especially vulnerable to shaking account for 6 percent of Japan's total area. The areas include the Kanto Plain around Tokyo and plains surrounding other major cities -- Osaka, Nagoya, and Sapporo. The researchers say about 38 million people, or nearly one-third of the Japanese population, live in these areas. They say there is a high possibility of liquefaction, particularly in coastal regions and riverside districts created using landfill and sand. The study points to the need for extensive efforts to make buildings quake-proof and capable of withstanding liquefaction.


Japanese families bear high education cost

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development says Japanese families spend more than 30 percent of their income on education. The figure is the third highest among the 31 OECD members for which data are available. The organization released a report based on a survey it carried out in 2009. The report says Japanese families spend 31.9 percent of their income on tuition fees and educational materials from preschools to universities. Central and local governments cover 68.1 percent of all education-related costs. The money is mainly used for teachers' salaries and to maintain facilities. Families in OECD member nations spend an average of 16 percent of their incomes on education. Finland has the lowest amount at 2.4 percent. University of Tokyo Professor Masayuki Kobayashi says parents in Japan traditionally feel a strong sense of responsibility for their children's education. He said Japan will not see an increase in public spending on education until more people think that society as a whole has to make a greater contribution.


Tsukiji outer market opens information center

An information center has opened at Tsukiji fish market's outer area in Tokyo, for visitors such as professional chefs and Japanese and international tourists. A local non-profit organization established Plat Tsukiji in the outer market, which has many wholesale and retail shops and restaurants. The Tsukiji market area is a major tourist attraction in Tokyo. Services are available in Japanese and English from 8 AM to 2 PM from Mondays to Saturdays and from 10 AM to 2 PM on Sundays and holidays. Insulated bags to carry marine produce are available for purchase. Visitors can also take a break at the center. The chief director of the NPO corporation, which operates the information center, Akio Suzuki said they hope to draw many people to the market by giving them information about high quality foods used by professionals.